GREEN LANTERN (2025) Will Smith DC Studios New Series

Green Lantern’s new costume is a gift to DC cosplayers, and redeems Ryan Reynolds’ CGI costume. 2011’s Green Lantern film, starring Reynolds as Hal Jordan, took a thumping both critically and commercially. The film was criticized on many fronts, including the use of CGI in creating Reynolds’ outfit. Now, in “Enduring Farewells,” appearing in DC Power 2024Jo Mullein not only redeems this misstep, but gives a boon to cosplayers.

In “Enduring Farewells,” written by NK Jemisin and drawn by Jamal Campbell, Green Lantern Jo Mullein is leaving the City Enduring after a year-long assignment there.

Image of Jo Mullein using her power ring to create a party outfit.

On her last day in the City, she attends a party in her honor, where she uses her ring to create a dress, as well as earrings, for the occasion. Jo also uses her ring to create green lipstick.

Jo Mullein, in her Green Lantern party outfit, gets intimate with an alien.

After saying her farewells, she leaves the City with fellow Green Lantern John Stewart.

The Green Lanterns Are Limiting Themselves with Their Rings

Green Lantern Rings Have Many Uses

Hal Jordan's Green Lantern holding up his ring in DC comics

A Green Lantern power ring is one of the most powerful objects in the DC Universe, capable of creating hard-light constructs of green energy. A Green Lantern can create anything with their ring, with the only limitation being the user’s imagination. Some Green Lanterns such as Kyle Rayner have used their ring to creative and spectacular effect, constantly making new constructs and hardly ever repeating them. While Green Lantern constructs are primarily used in battle, they can have other applications as well, and Jo Mullein shows a cool and unique use.

Mullein using her Green Lantern powers to construct a costume is reminiscent of a controversial trick used in the character’s live-action film. The movie explained that Hal Jordan’s outfit was made up of the same energy that originated in his ring, meaning his uniform was essentially a construct. This was something of a departure from the comics, and it was a change that did not sit well with fans. Furthermore, CGI was used to bring the construct-outfit to life. The CGI work was viewed by many as sub par, and the uniform became the target of fan criticism.

Green Lantern Jo Mullein Has Shown Up the Rest of the Corps

The Green Lantern Corps Are Going to Have to Scramble to Keep Up With Her

Ryan Reynolds' Hal Jordan summons the might of the Power Ring in Green Lantern
Image of Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern smirking.
Image of Ryan Reynolds in his Green Lantern uniform.
Ryan Reynolds in Green Lantern Listening To Sinestro Speech
Image of Ryan Reynolds in a Green Lantern outfit.

But Jo Mullein has simultaneously silenced the film’s critics as well as created a uniform that will be a cosplayer’s delight. While Green Lantern uses the power to create a dress, it proves there could be more to the concept beyond recreational purposes, and the Corps would be wise to study it. The applications could be endless. Jo’s green party outfit, right down to the lipstick, also has the makings of an excellent cosplay. Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern film flopped on many fronts, but now Jo Mullein has redeemed at least one of the movie’s controversial elements.

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